Appendix 27 - Protocol for Monitoring and Review of the Constitution by the Monitoring Officer


1         A key role for the Monitoring Officer is to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the Constitution adopted by Full Council, and to make recommendations for ways in which it could be amended in order to achieve better the purposes set out in Appendix 1.

2          In undertaking this task, the Monitoring Officer may:

a)   observe meetings of different parts of the Member and Officer structure;

b)   undertake an audit trail of a sample of decisions;

c)   record and analyse issues raised with them by Members, Officers, the public and other relevant stakeholders; and

d)   compare practices in this authority with those in other comparable authorities, or national examples of best practice;

e)   undertake any other activities which are deemed necessary and or appropriate, or undertake steps which may directly respond to queries raised by stakeholders for example Internal Audit, External Audit and other organisations/bodies.